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Online shop regulations

The online store regulations are available here.
All words, expressions, acronyms appearing on this page and beginning with a capital letter
((e.g. Seller, Internet shop, Electronic service) shall be understood according to their
definitions included in this Internet Shop regulations.

Account Setup

In order to conclude an Electronic Service agreement relating to keeping an Account in the
Online Shop the following data shall be filled in in a Registration Form available on the
Online Shop website:
  • the following data are necessary: name and surname, address (city; post code; street; house/flat no. ;country); electronic mail address; phone number and password to the account (in an encrypted field). In case of entrepreneurs additionally it isrequired to give a company name and VAT number (required data marked with *sign).
  • you need to accept the Shop Regulations. In order to do it you need to tick a proper field with * sign.
  • It is required to accept the Agreement for personal data storage to proceed an order. The lack of this Agreement results in failure to open the account in the Online shop. The acceptance of the required Agreement shall be confirmed by ticking a proper field (the required data are marked with * sign).
  • next you need to click on the field Account Setup to conclude the agreement on Electronic Service regarding the opening of the Account in the Online Shop.

How to order

  • The Customer chooses a Product by clicking the name of the Product, picture
    (graphic) or the field Order next to the chosen Product on the website of the Online
  • Next the Customer is directed to the Online Shop website where there is a Product
    description, price, parametres, available options. In order to continue with ordering
    process, the Customer should click the field called "The Basket".
  • in this moment the Agreement on Electronic Service regarding the ordering in the
    Online Shop is concluded by filing in the Order Form and the Customer is directed to
    the website where:    
    - The Customer is informed about a unit and total price of the chosen Products.
    - The Customer can modify the Order (quantity or Product cancellation).
    - The Customer decides on delivery terms and automatically is informed about
    their costs.
    - The Customer chooses the payment method.
  • after selecting the order option, the Customer clicks on the Checkout box, and then is
    redirected to the page from which he can log in to his account (if it was previously set up
    in the Online Store) or may create a new account for the purpose of placing an Order.
    The Customer who has an Account gives his e-mail address and password to the
    Account and clicks Login. A Customer who does not have an Account gives an email
    address and clicks Next, and then follows the procedure for creating an Account
  • After logging in or registering a new account, the Customer is redirected to the Online
    Shop website where the summary of the Order is placed. On this page you can:
    - change the Customer’s data and a delivery address
    - add comments to the Order,
    - determine the subject of the Order,
    - check a unit and total price of selected Products, including delivery costs and
    additional costs, if any,
    - check the chosen method of delivery and payment
  • then click the Submit Order button, after which the Customer is redirected to the
    Online Shop website where there is information that the Order has been placed – at
    this moment the Order is placed in the Online Shop by completing the Order Form.

Additional information

Information of methods and technical measures for detecting and correcting errors in the
data entered:

  • when placing an order, until you press the Submit Order button, the Customer has the option to correct the entered data by clicking the Edit box and changing the item in the summary of the Order. 
  • verification or correction of the Order can also be made by sending an email to the Service Provider (Seller) to the address
  • the service recipient has the possibility to change his data entered in the Account setup process at any time by using the option within the Account.

Information on the rules and methods of recording, protecting and disclosure of the terms of
the agreement by the Service Provider (Seller) to the third party:

  • recording, saving and access to the content of the concluded contract for the provision of Electronic Services is carried out by sending an appropriate e-mail after the conclusion of the contract,
  • recording, saving and access to the content of the concluded contract can be done in two ways:    

- by sending the contract by email to the Customer,
- by printing out the specification and a proof of purchase to the Customer,
- the concluded contract is additionally saved in the Service Provider IT system
and available at any Customer’s request.

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